Have you ever been negatively impacted by a toxic leadership culture? Hierarchical command and control leadership is no longer serving organizations. We can do (much) better than this, and co-create a better future. And it's urgently needed! The challenges leaders face today are more complex and thorny, more global and require more collaboration and creativity than ever before. So, of course, it's time to think and work differently, and honestly, it's so much more fulfilling and humane!
I had the privilege of being interviewed this week with Jane Weber and Roelien Bokxem, my partners at PresenceAtWork and PresenceAtSchool. I am bringing their co-creation - Collective Leadership for intact exec and leadership teams - to the US, and also working to bring this incredible training to 17 - 24 year olds - our future leaders.
To learn more about what makes this Leadership program special, listen in to understand both the genesis and essence of this highly experiential and transformative learning. It is not about making money (although we all need to sustain ourselves, of course!). And this comes through loudly and clearly in this internet radio program, in part due to the masterful interview with Linda Lombardo.
Presence at School: Co-Creating the Future of Education 02/12 by The Voice of Leadership | Business Podcasts