In 1996, John P. Kotter, Professor of Leadership, Emeritus at Harvard Business School wrote Leading Change. He outlined an 8 step linear process for effecting change inorganizations. And it was highly lauded by experts in leadership.
Interestingly enough, Kotter supplemented his first book with a second book The Heart of Change, which revisited his model. In his own words:
"Our main finding, simply put, is that the central issue is never strategy, structure, culture or systems... the core of the matter is always about changing the
behavior of people, and behavior changes...mostly by speaking to people's
So it's appropriate to talk about human hearts and love stories in the context of change and leadership. For it's the deep, visceral hunger and emotion that gets us to step out of "business as usual", or our comfort zones. Out of the stands and onto the playing field...
For me, it started with my daughter Kelsey... Back in June 2006, I decided to take my family to see An Inconvenient Truth. I had not seen it myself, but liked to stimulate conversation and thinking with my 13 year-old daughter Kelsey, and 10 year-old son Ryan. My daughter Erin was only 3 at the time, so we let her stay with a sitter. On the way out of the theater, I asked them what they thought about the movie. I'll never forget this response... from Kelsey. She said, "Mom, I'm not sure I want to have kids." You can imagine my reaction. And I said to her, "Kelsey, it's very early for you to think about that, and the good news is that a lot of very smart people are working on these challenges, including me." (Melissa's Musings - my blog entry from June 29, 2006)
We are in a world of accelerating change, and our organizations require a new leadership capacity to remain relevant
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Leading from the Emerging Future |
Human beings are AT the HEART of change - and we are both the biggest barriers and the biggest enablersWho else is going to address these challenges? While so much focus is given to emerging technology, cleantech, cloud solutions, internet of everything, smart everything, the bottom line is that you and I make change happen - within and across organizational boundaries. And we meet resistance daily, as well as limitations in well-intentioned people who have simply don't know how to step up and step into leadership. And we can do something about that.
Collective Leadership is about leveraging the collective hearts and minds and the diverse strengths of the teams we are part of in order to accomplish our missionsIt sounds simple, but the reality is that more often than not - we are caught in our grandfather's leadership paradigm. Companies are organized as a hierarchy, and we are teaching leadership principles to individuals, but not teaching leaders how to work collectively. In fact, in my 28 years of corporate experience, I have witnessed how sometimes "innovators" and "collaborative leaders" are unintentionally pushed aside, perhaps because they are "hard to manage" or don't fit the mold of a traditional leader. However, what got us here won't get us there.... as they say.
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